Charter a SARGO 28

We offer charter trips for small groups from Hanko to east and west. The destination can be, for example, Högsåra, Kasnäs or Ekenäs. Every >

Hanko Boat house

Boating services for cars and boats. Boat service and sale. Large selection of gear and spare parts. Mercury and Yamaha brand service and sale. Also >


Traveling to Hanko by boat quickly reveals that the town is the perfect headquarters for when you desire great harbour services, and for both short >

Itämeren Portti

Itämeren Portti is an equity-based marina and guest harbour. The harbour is located at Smultrongrundet, directly outside the Eastern harbour in >

HSF Marine

In the marina, we have room for 220 boats. We have 31 boat slips that are bookable in advance from the online booking system and 120m of pier >

Hangonkylä Harbour

The harbour is located 3 km from the town centre, on the northern side of Hanko near the archipelago. The harbour is Hanko’s biggest marina for >