What sustainability means to us
The strategy for Hanko town 2025 – one of the goals in the strategy of Hanko, the seaside town of good life, is that Hanko is carbon neutral in 2030. The goal is reflected in all the town’s operations, acquisitions and investments.
A sustainably growing town values nature, saves natural resources and reduces emissions. Climate work is intended to create an urban environment that promotes well-being and health in Hanko, as well as attract services to residents and tourists. In Hanko’s updated tourism strategy, we define that sustainable tourism is tourism that takes current and future economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts into account.
We want to learn, develop and become more advanced. Therefore we joined Visit Finland’s Sustainable Travel Finland work. With that, we take an even more active role in promoting sustainable tourism. STF helps to identify actors committed to sustainable tourism in the region.
The future success of tourism destinations and tourism companies will be determined by how they consider sustainable development in their operations. Tourists’ decision-making is guided by values and attitudes. Stakeholders’ demands towards operators in the tourism industry are increasingly public, and the discussion about responsibility is prominently held in the media.
In order to create successful business operations, tourism companies must be increasingly interested in monitoring and measuring the effects of their own operations on the economy, the environment and society. We want to emphasize the strengths of tourism in our region, such as nature, locality and responsibility. Responsibility increases competitiveness, enables companies to succeed and affects Hanko’s success as a tourist destination.
The responsible tourist destination has a good reputation that attracts customers all year round, including from abroad. A good reputation is not built only by marketing, but is earned by doing reliable and responsible actions and telling about them. In terms of the success of tourism in Hanko, the choices of each operator are important. We want to be involved in making Finland a leading country in sustainable tourism.

Sustainable Travel Finland label
Visit Hanko, the Hanko Tourist Office, received the Sustainable Travel Finland label for its valuable and long-term work for sustainable tourism. The label was awarded by Visit Finland which governs the Sustainable Travel Finland programme. It’s a continuous programme that takes current and future economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts into account.

Good Travel Seal Certificate is an international sustainability management program. Hanko Tourist Office has met the criteria and received Good Travel Seal as a recognition for its work for sustainability.
The company has to assess its procedures regarding use of energy, ethicalness of purchases, accessibility and approach to the local cultural heritage.

We Speak Gay is a community of LGBTQIA+ friendly companies and events. Its purpose is to make a change, talk and communicate courageously, openly and visibly.
Visit Hanko wants to ensure that a gay person feels welcome and appreciated as oneself when visiting Hanko.

Responsibility deeds in Hanko
- Hanko has signed a contract regarding carbon neutral municipalities www.hiilineutraalisuomi.fi. This means that the town is committed to achieve reducing carbon neural emission by 80 percent by 2030.
- Hanko – capital of solar energy! The town has built 12 solar power stations on the roofs of the council buildings. The electricity is used in the buildings in question. This is sound economically and makes sense environmentally.
- Hanko council owns electric cars that the employees may use. Residents and tourists are allowed to use them according to availability. There’s an app for it, so using is convenient.
- In Hanko distances between places are short and it’s easy to use a bicycle for getting from A to B. The town is ideal for cycling. There are local companies that you can identify them from their Welcome Cyclist -badge. Further information Bikeland.fi. Read more about cycling in Hanko.
- 5 % of the participation fee for the annual Baltic Sea Marathon is donated to Baltic Sea Action Group.
- An area of the town is part of a national urban park. Read about national urban parks on
Ministry of the Environment and National urban parks in Finland. The goal of a national urban park is to treasure and cherish the unique cultural and national environment. In the national urban park there are for example five conservation area that are mostly included in Natura 2000 network. This is a significant amount of conservation areas in proportion to its size.
- The harbour in Hangonkylä, Itämeren portti and Eastern harbour (Itäsatama in Finnish) are so called Roope harbours. Roope-service is an environmental program by Keep the archipelago tidy Association.
- Hanko Tourist Office and a handful Hanko-based companies are taking part in Sustainable Travel Finland program. The target is to receive the STF-certificate in order for travellers to identify sustainable travel companies. Hanko Tourist Office is aiming to have Hanko as an STF certified resort.

More sustainable choices
Energy-efficient holiday tips
- Close the faucet while soaping and brushing your teeth.
Keep the power on and the plugs in the walls only when necessary.
Avoid drafts: remember to close the doors and windows in space you are heating up.
The tastiest environmental deeds
- Replace some of the meat and dairy products in your diet with vegetarian options.
- Choose local and organic food and products of the season.
- Get to know the culture of your destination through local cuisine.
Tidiest travel tips
- Minimize the amount of waste: choose durable products and avoid disposable products.
- Do not throw rubbish around and remember to recycle according to the instructions.
- Avoid wastage. Do not take more food than you can eat.