Villa Maija

Villa Maija is a historic villa built in 1888, which has recently been completely renovated for accommodation. We offer authentic villa life in Hanko >

Architecture walk in Hanko

Hanko was established in 1874 as a result of Finland needing a winter harbour. The town grew at a rapid pace, and the all year round harbour combined >

The tales of the Spa Park Villas

The Spa Park is a marvellous and unique chapter in the history of Hanko. The Hanko Spa was founded in 1879 and the villa quarters were developed >

The Architectural Walk in Hanko Town Centre

Let the buildings come to life and tell you their own history. Despite the short history of the town, Hanko has an astounding richness in >

Villa Solgården

Bed & Breakfast accommodation in a villa built in 1904. The villa is situated in the beautiful Spa park and modernized (2015) to meet a more >

Pensionat Tellina & Thalatta

An idyllic villa on the seashore, near the amenities. Pensionat Tellina also includes Villa Thalatta. Rooms decorated in different styles, some with >

Beautiful villas

The beautiful old wooden villas in the Spa Park were built around the Hanko Spa around the turn of the 20th century. Some of the buildings still >

Beautiful pension of Hanko

– I feel deep pride and joy to be able to represent a bridge between the past and modern times. We need something soft, eternal and authentic >