By Bike with Leena

Experience Hanko with Leena Immonen, in an unique way by bike: Cycle tour visiting Hanko artists Let your guide take you to three artists’ studios. >

Guided bike tour to meet Hanko people

What kind of people live in Hanko? Who loves the wide horizon, the nearness of nature, the special light, the city-peasant -life in a small town, >

Guided bike tour to guide’s favorite places

There are a ziljon pic-nic places in Hanko, the sea surrounds us from three sides, and there are so many favorite places. Which of these shall be >

Cycle tour visiting Hanko craftsmen

A purser made of an old book, a soft as a breeze quilt, a beautiful rug, a coaster made of wood with a Hanko picture, an ancient, totally renovated >

Cycle tour visiting Hanko artists

Learn about Hanko through its artists. The horizon, the sea and the special light are art in themselves…Come and look at magnificent works on >

Outdoor Happiness

Soulfood & Outdoor experiences

Wild herb walk

Head off on a wild herb walk together with a group and an experienced guide and get access to naturally growing herbs! Get to know the most common >

Guided photo excursion

Want to become a better photographer? Or find the best photo motifs in Hanko? By hiring a local photographer and guide, you can combine both wishes >

Hanko Front Museum

The Hanko Front Museum is located in a culturally and historically significant place, where the border between Finland and Soviet union ran from 1940 >

Hanko Museum

The Museum of Hanko presents, researches and preserves the history of Hanko since 1909. The Museum of Hanko is located in the old factory facilities >

Guided tours in Hanko

Make more of your trip to Hanko on a guided tour.  

The Orthodox Church

Because of the many Russian spa guests the Orthodox Church built in Hanko in 1895. The Church was designed by architect Barankejev. Spa guests also >

Architecture walk in Hanko

Hanko was established in 1874 as a result of Finland needing a winter harbour. The town grew at a rapid pace, and the all year round harbour combined >

In the footsteps of the emigrants

In 1880-1930 Hanko was the departure town for emigrants seeking a better life in America. There are still many places and buildings that are >

Life in Hangonkylä in the 1700s

The first population in central Hanko was found in the anchor place area of Kappelisatama. There were five houses in the village, and all men there >

The sights in Hanko

Take a closer look at Hanko and the sea life with the help of a knowledgeable guide. We will walk in the town center, become acquainted with the >

The Soviet military base in Hanko 1940-41

The Winter War ended with the Moscow peace treaty 3.13.1940 and Hanko was rented to the Soviet Union as a naval base for 30 years. The rental period, >

In the footsteps of Mannerheim

During this guided tour we will hear about the military leader and statesman Gustav Mannerheim and his presence in Hanko. In July 1919 Gustaf >